Speech of U-3ARC President on celebration of WORLD REFRIGERATION DAY

On the occasion of the celebration of World REFRIGERATION Day, at the initiative of the NGO WRD and celebrated each year on June 26, President of U-3ARC, Madi Sakandé, took advantage of this opportunity to deliver a discourse and emphasize the major contributions of cold to human progress, particularly for Africa. This year, it focused on the theme “ TEMPERATURE MATTERS !” ... ABSOLUTELY ! ". We reproduce his speech in full.

To decision-makers in the Public and Private sector,

Speech of U-3ARC President on celebration of WORLD REFRIGERATION DAY

To the Presidents of the African National Associations of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Actors,

To Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Professionals,

To Researchers, Academics and Students,

To my friend Steve Gill,

To our International Partners

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Refrigeration and Air Conditioning sector is crucial to stimulating growth and development. Like the rest of the world, Africa is preparing to celebrate World Refrigeration Day, the theme of which this year is “TEMPERATURE QUESTIONS!” ... ABSOLUTELY ! ". At U-3ARC, we believe that now is the time to pay tribute to the initiators of such an event, but also to work to raise awareness of the importance of refrigeration for humanity, and especially for Africa.

World Refrigeration Day, observed annually on June 26, is a timely opportunity to celebrate the major contributions of refrigeration to human progress, particularly for Africa. It is also an opportunity to raise awareness among governments, the public and private sectors, about the crucial role of refrigeration in daily life, in particular for the socio-economic development of Africa.

Faced with the specific challenges of the “hot” continent, we can mobilize the efforts and resources necessary to fully exploit the potential of the refrigeration.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Africa, crossed by the Equator, is almost entirely located at the latitude of the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. It is an understatement to say that it evolves in a hot climate... and therefore needs Refrigeration and Air Conditioning to conserve resources, maintain the Refrigeration chain, improve comfort... In addition to the fact that the RAC sector is transversal and has a positive impact on the socio-economic development of Africa, we find it important to raise awareness on a certain number of major areas.

In terms of food security and nutrition, refrigeration is essential for food preservation, reducing post-harvest losses and improving access to healthy and nutritious food for African populations. In the exploitation of resources in the primary sector (Agriculture, fishing and livestock), refrigeration is essential for the processing and preservation of agricultural products, increasing added value and economic opportunities for small African producers.

In healthcare, refrigeration technologies play a vital role in the supply chain of vaccines and medicines, ensuring their effectiveness and accessibility, particularly in the fight against tropical diseases.

In relation to the fight against climate change, sustainable refrigeration and air conditioning technologies can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the environment, in line with Africa's Sustainable Development Goals. More than ever, we in Africa are committed to Montreal Protocol, Kigali Amendment and the use of refrigerants, certainly flammable, but eco-responsible, while advocating for a vast movement of African refrigeration technicians. We cannot emphasize enough on capacity building in this sense. The development of technical skills and training of professionals in the refrigeration sector in Africa are essential to ensure effective and responsible use of these technologies.

This celebration also allows me to call for encouraging Research & Development of innovative refrigeration technologies adapted to the specific needs of the African continent.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Concerning job creation and industrial development, we draw your attention to the fact that the refrigeration sector in Africa has strong potential for creating qualified jobs and stimulating economic growth, promoting the emergence of a efficient local industry.

On this World Refrigeration Day, allow me to emphasize these specific issues for Africa. We cannot in fact hide the fact that one of the major challenges for the adoption of refrigeration technologies in Africa is access to reliable and affordable energy. We must therefore work to promote innovative and sustainable electrification solutions is crucial.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I end my speech with the sinews of war; namely financing and investments. I therefore launch an urgent appeal to our partners to mobilize adequate financing and investments for the deployment of refrigeration technologies in Africa.

Thank you for your kind attention!